
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A disturbing ad!

Today I have been working on my marketing plan for next year, so I have been doing a bit of researching for my monthly topics and I just google search images for whatever it is I am looking for.
Not long ago, I was searching beauty campaigns (ie the dove beauty campaign) and positive body image campaigns and I came across this image/ad.

                   You can never be too thin? Think again
Someone actually stuck the 'actually you can' bit on to the advertisement. What a disturbing and horrible ad!

(I think this ad was back in 2010)

I found another blog post:

Fighting for positive body image for young women

Tue 15 Feb 2011
By Anonymous

Here is a small section from this blog post

...Guides Australia put out a report today showing that body image is a major concern for young girls. Australian Guides Say 2010 is a report on the findings of a comprehensive survey of more than 4,239 girls aged 5 to 30 years. Interesting for the representation of women in media:
• 63% of girls aged 10-14, and 75% of those aged 18-30, believe that the media think being “pretty and thin” is the most important thing for girls.
• Pressure to look good was also one of the top 10 worst things about being a girl
It’s not just little girls who feel it. According to Mission Australia’s National Survey of Young Australians 2010, body image is the top personal concern among 11-24 year old young Australians. This highly regarded survey had 50,240 participants, with 53.9% of the respondents being female....
To read this blog post click here

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Make-up secrets

Well ladies, I am going to share with you today this post from Kandee Johnson regarding Marilyn Monroe Make-up secrets. 


Marilyn Monroe Make-Up Secrets!

Here's a fun treat! After lots of research on Marilyn Monroe, her make-up artist, Allan "Whitey" Snyder, who did her make-up from her very first screen test at 20th Century Fox to, even doing her funeral make-up....I present to you:
BEFORE MAKE-UP TRICKS       &    AFTER            
(how to go from "natural Marilyn Monroe to glam icon, Marilyn Monroe)

(that not even Whitey would share some of these tips with Marilyn! ha ha)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Naughty or Nice Gift Vouchers - Last Chance Christmas Gift

Last Chance Christmas Gift Idea

Let me ask you a question ...
Have you been Naughty or Nice this year?

The Naughty or Nice Gift Vouchers
I love the thought of this gift voucher, it is so fun and cheeky! Check out the video, I had lots of fun making it! I hope you enjoy watching it.


What you get with the gift voucher:
- A la Carte Session 
- $50 (voucher) towards your products

Plus ... because I love Christmas time so much, I am giving you a  'His Eye's Only' Mini Album valued at $50! with the Naughty or Nice Gift Voucher! A Christmas Gift from me to you! It holds 20 photos from your shoot! It comes with a presentation box, black leatherette cover, it's just the bomb!

So the Naughty or Nice Gift Voucher is 
only $165
(If you included the price of the His Eye's Only mini album the total valued would be then $215)

To order one, you gotta hurry because the minutes are counting down to Christmas pretty much! Click here state that you would like to order a Naughty or Nice Gift Voucher. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mama to be

As women, we have the opportunity which can be a wondrous and magical adventure, of being pregnant. I would like to share with you a quote from an unknown author 

'A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside ... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone. '

Do I have children? No, I don't. So I personally can't explain what it's like to be pregnant and I am not going to try. One of my friends is pregnant, and from a friend's perspective I know I always look forward to seeing her and just seeing how much she has grown, I find it so exciting!  I have been to a couple of her ultra sounds and its incredible to know that just under the skin pretty much is something so impressive and incredible occurring. I am just in amazement of what the body can do. 
And being pregnant I am assuming (i know I would)  just sit down and wonder "What are they going to be like? What personality traits are they going to have? What are they going to look like? What is going to be their journey in life?" and many more questions. So baba's  arrival into this world would come with so much anticipation and as a mum to be you would long for the day when you can finally physically carry your baby in your arms and look at your baby in the eyes and shower it with all this built up love. At the same time there will be tough times but nothing that you wouldn't be able to take on, it's amazing how strong we really are, when we are put to the test!

Over madam's (name left out) journey we get to watch her grow and see the physical changes that will occur in her body. 
I am excited to see them again (soon) and see how she has grown. 

In the photo below you can just see a slight baby bump.

Best Wishes, 

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Pin-up Girl ... History

Did you ever wonder about the Pin-up girl and how it has all emerged up to today? Well i did a little research and found out some information.

The pinup style first emerged in the early 1900s and immediately influenced the way society saw sexuality. They developed the name "pinup" because people would see the images in magazines and would rip out the pages and pin them up on the wall. Businesses started to see the benefits of using pinup models in their advertising and it started to become a possible profession for girls. So from the 1910's to the 1950's pin up models consistently appeared in advertisements, magazine spreads, posters, photography and films. From pinups, the standard of today's models was born. This concept first spurred the idea of Playboy magazine.

Note: These pictures do not belong to me

Sunday, July 31, 2011

This photo i changed it to look more like a painting for a fine art look.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The power of words!

Isn't this video just great! I love the power of words and what words can do and make you feel. I found this video on Kandee Johnson Blog! I love her positive energy and she is super talented!
Have a great evening and use the power of words to bring you a more happier and joyful life.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tablelander Newspaper, April 26

Thank you sooooo much Nikki!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wild Dream

It's fantastic how something can go from an idea oneday and then turn into reality the next! That what ever you want to do, you can make it happen! That's what happened to me, I was inspired oneday, which made me take steps to put it in to place and ta da, it's here! You just have to believe in yourself. So next time that you come up with a brilliant idea that you think is a winner, go for it and make it real. I believe that you can!

I hope you enjoy viewing my newest Boudoir Album.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Body-Confidence Secrets From Plus- size Model Crystal Renn

A must read!

Body-Confidence Secrets From Plus-Size Model Crystal Renn

In her memoir, Hungry, 23-year-old Crystal Renn chronicles her battle with anorexia and exercise bulimia as she struggled to make it as the skinniest of supermodels. It wasn’t until she embraced her curves and became a plus-size model (that’s the modeling industry’s term for models over size 6) that her career skyrocketed. We asked the size-12 beauty how she learned to love her body and how you can too.

First, what inspired you to write Hungry?
I want women and the fashion industry to hear me and think, You know what—maybe there should be all different body types up on the runway, maybe that’s a really a great idea. I want women to be happy with who they are because I think that once they do that, all opportunities in their lives will get even bigger and better for them. Doors will be opened to them because they will be ready for it. Think about it: If you hate yourself, you don’t like your relationships, you don’t do as well at work, you don’t take all the chances that you want in your life. I would like to see women overcome that and take it to the next level.
I want women to be empowered, to be confident, to love life, and that’s why I chose the title Hungry for my book. Because it’s hungry for everything. And that’s what I want women to take away from it—to love themselves but also to accomplish your dreams.
Loving your body is one of those things that’s easier said than done. What advice do you have for women to put the thought into action?
Instead of focusing on all the bad things like, “Oh my gosh, I hate my thighs,” I say let’s look at the hair and say, “Oh wow, I’m having such a great hair day.” Or “Oh wow, my eyes are so clear today…I really like my lips….” And then eventually your mind will start to change and think of the positive things when you look in the mirror instead of focusing on the negative. It definitely takes time—it’s a habit—but just like anything else, over time, you can change the way your mind works.
So when you’re having a bad day and look in the mirror, what part of your body do you embrace to change your thought process?
There are a few things I look at on those days: I say, “Wow, I have full, great, healthy hair,” because now I eat healthy and I can see my health in my hair. That’s one thing. I also say, “Wow, I have great cheekbones. Let’s play them up, put some bronzer on them.” And then I might say, “Oh wow, I have a great waist; I’m going to show it off by belting my dress today.” Or I’ll put on some red lipstick and see how great I feel. I love wearing lipstick. It’s my feel-good-immediately move.

to continue to read more of this article click here

Boudoir Products


Today I am going to show off my products ... I just love them! I am so freakin excited about them! So I have 3 products to show you today. I am so proud of all these products I have sought out top quality products, that I am happy to offer to my clients knowing that they are getting some of the best stuff out there.So shall we start :)

I am just so in love with this Little Black Book! It's 7'x5' in size with full page images.Comes with it's own presentation black box tied with some pretty ribbon! Love it!

Presenting the Bombshell Photo Book!
Now this Hard cover, 8'x8' designer style photo book is just ringing classiness and style. I can't get enough of it! Each layout is designed to compliment the images and the following layout.

Check out this Calendar! Now ladies, instead of your man having a calendar up on the wall with strangers strutting there stuff. Why not give him a calendar of you!

Best Wishes,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bridal Boudoir Inspiration

Hey ladies, Bridal boudoir photography sessions are so much fun! This blog post is ALL ABOUT bridal boudoir! Here is a few Q & A's

Q: How long in advance should I book my boudoir session for my wedding?
A: I would recommend booking your bridal boudoir shoot about 4-6 prior to your wedding date. Most photographers need that much time in order to process your images, process your order, and have your product back to you in time for the wedding date.

Q: What types of products would you suggest for my groom’s gift?
A: I have a huge variety of fun products that you can choose from, and the possibilities are endless. I would recommend the Little Black Book, a hard cover 5'x7' book, it's great! Another option is the designer photobook - The Bombshell Photo Book, each page full of images of YOU! Can you imagine the excitement and surprise (aka utter SHOCK) that will be written on your groom’s face on the morning of the wedding, as he is opening a black box… tied with ribbon… & a hand-written note to him… and then just imagine his face as he looks through his book, just hours before you say ‘I do’… seriously, ladies, can you THINK of a better gift than that?! Priceless. (PS… if you can tell your photographer about the boudoir gift, maybe they can be in the room as he receives his gift, to capture the look on his face as he opens it – because that’s a look that you’re gonna want to see!) :)

Q: When do most brides normally give this gift to their groom?
A: Some brides like to be there when the groom opens his gift, so they opt to give it to him on the night before the wedding. Other brides want their groom to receive it on the morning of the wedding, so they’ll ask their maid of honor to deliver the gift to the groom as he’s getting ready for the day. And then there are other brides who like to give this gift to their groom while on their honeymoon (can’t you just imagine the surprise on his face when he finds his album wrapped in ribbon and waiting in your honeymoon suite?) It’s really up to you… there are so many options, so just be sure that it’s special and meaningful to YOU. (Believe me, it won’t really matter WHEN you give it to him… he’s going to love love LOVE this gift!!!)

If you’re a bride & you’re planning out your bridal boudoir photo shoot, here is a little inspiration board that might be helpful for you. Just a few of my favorite things!

Where I found it:
1. Sexy Bridal Lingerie found at Viche
2. Beautiful Fascinators and Garter - Lo Boheme - A must look! Love it!
3. Cinderella Bella - Shoes and Accessoris I love the design twisted around the heel.
4. Barefoot Sandal - Suna

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boudoir Slideshow

I just can't get enough of this, I think this will always be a favourite of mine! It's just so beautiful! And they are such a gorgeous couple too! Thank you to the both of you!
 I am a woman on a Mission...

Ladies we are often very critical of ourselves. not giving ourselves the love and self worth we deserve.
So I am on a mission to help women all over the world see the beauty they possess. No matter what size they are, we are all beautiful. I strongly believe this! We all deserve to feel loved and worthy now this all begins within ourselves.  You have to start loving who you are, enjoying your own company.
I want to help show you how beautiful you really are through a Boudoir Shoot.
Where your beauty will shine through a range of images that are artistic and classy, capturing your true beauty. These images will then serve you as a reminder of how beautiful and sexy you really are and always will  be.

Chloe Jackson photographer