
Monday, May 7, 2012

Wild One

My dad was building this trailer and just finished it. It sort of looks like a zoo trailer, a trailer that you would carry animals, and I mean like wild animals, lions etc. Around the same time I went to a Wearable Art Fashion show ... love them! They are so cool to go to and the creations that come out of them is amazing! Some people are just so creative! Oh and there was a photo competition that was coming up and I wanted to put something in it (unfortunately didn't place, but I did come out with some awesome photos). All this inspired me to create this photo shoot - Wild One. 
My inspiration: 
A wild creature that was captured and eventually got out and became free. Kaylene (my model) is absolutely beautiful and I am so grateful for her helping me make my photo shoot come to life.  This brings me to the photo shoot Wild One ... I hope you enjoy some of my favourites from the shoot. 

Model: Kaylene

I went through my blog and realised that there was photos that I never posted I may have mentioned them but never fully posted my favourites from the shoot. So I hope you enjoy all the updates :) All good things come in time :) 

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